Milford Academy:
The place LeSean McCoy
shaped his NFL career


By: Matthew Coller
WGR550 Sports Radio

Tyler Matekevich receives the

Chuck Bednarik Award
the Maxwell Awards

Football Factory:
Milford Academy provides
pipeline from New Berlin to
Syracuse, producing 14
players in last 9 years


By: Stephen Bailey
The Daily Orange

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October 13, 2003
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing this letter in support of Milford Academy and Mr. William Chaplick.
I believe that both the educational institution and the person Bill Chaplick will bring life and
excitement to your community.
As a graduate of The University of Connecticut I have been familiar with Milford Academy for
the past 25 years. In fact, many of my college teammates were graduates of Milford and went
on to have successful careers in College as students and athletes. Milford Acadmey has
enhanced the educational experience for thousands of young men since its inception. It has
made college a reality for young men who need an extra year in the classroom before moving
on to college.
Bill Chaplick is a fine man with a heart as big as the state of New York. The only thing he cares
about is making sure his students have a positive experience in the classroom and on the
football field.
As the Head Coach of the University of Iowa we have had the opportunity to recruit there over the
years. Our experience has always been positive and beneficial in every regard. Fred Russell,
our starting running back is a graduate of Milford Academy. Bill Chaplick still stays in touch with
Fred (4 years later) on a weekly basis.
Fred would describe Coach Chaplick as a teacher, coach, mentor, and friend. While Fred's year
at Milford was a challenge he would be the first to tell you that he would never have had the
chance to play in the Orange Bowl if it wasn't for Milford Academy and Bill Chaplick.
Education is all about helping kids reach their full potential. Your community with the addition of
Milford Academy will have a chance to impact many young lives in a positive way. I whole-heartedly
recommend that you support Bill Chaplick and Milford Academy and welcome them to your community
with open arms.
Kirk Ferentz
Head Football Coach

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