Milford Academy:
The place LeSean McCoy
shaped his NFL career


By: Matthew Coller
WGR550 Sports Radio

Tyler Matekevich receives the

Chuck Bednarik Award
the Maxwell Awards

Football Factory:
Milford Academy provides
pipeline from New Berlin to
Syracuse, producing 14
players in last 9 years


By: Stephen Bailey
The Daily Orange

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At the turn of the 20th century, New Haven was filled with hundreds of immigrant families,
all with hopes and dreams to be fulfilled by a new world. The aspirations of these newcomers
rested with their children, whose opportunities for a better life were not to be surpassed by
their vision and flexibility to acclimate to their new surroundings. The Jewish immigrants were
especially diadvantaged because they still needed to overcome the pitafalls of a new society
as well as the prejudices they had hoped to escape. Two of these families that provided so
much to New Haven academia were the Cugells and the Rosenbaums. These two families were
so closely intertwined that they seemed to be one family unit.

Samuel Barnell Rosenbaum was born in Russia, on December 28, 1885, the son of Solomon
and Rebecca Rosenbaum. As a Freshman at Yale he received honorary mention in Mathematics.
He graduated from the Yale Sheffield Scientific School as a civil engineer, in 1907. In 1913 he married
Florence Ruth Cherkoss in Denver, Colorado. After her death, he married the former Helen Binenstock,
from Philadelphia. After a lifelong career as director of the Milford School, he retired from active
participation in 1942, and returned to Philadelphia with his wife, where he died on October 27,
1945. Once, the pillars of academic society, Sam and his cousin, Abel G. Cugell, now rest
side-by-side, within the walls of the Ferncliff Crematory, in Ardsley, New York.

Harris Rosenbaum was born in Russia on December 28, 1886. He first saw American shores
when he came here, with his family, in 1895. They settled in New Haven, where other relatives
had come a few years earlier. After matriculating at New Haven High School, he followed his
brother, Sam, to Yale, where he graduated from Sheffield Scientific School as a civil engineer
with the Class of 1908.

It was while they attended Yale, that Sam and Harris Rosenbaum found their niche in life. In
order to defer school expenses and keep the home front afloat, Sam and Harris filled a much
needed gap, by offering to tutor some of the star athletes on campus, whose province it was
not to be scholastic geniuses. Gradually, they earned themselves a reputation, and these two
budding engineers found themselves trading in their slide rules for the more lucrative business
of teaching. In 1908, they opened the Rosenbaum Tutoring School. They found themselves an
indespensable commodity, as the need for their tutoring skills were very much in demand. The
school was first established at 84 Wall Street, then next door, at 88 Wall Street. It closed its
doors there in 1920, when it found a more permanent location at 262 York Street.

Continued on Page 2

